Our take on gender equality and education

At the Sharan project we believe education to be key in fighting gender inequality and violence against women. A programme that teaches children about relationship between the sexes should be part of the national curriculum from an early age. In the UK sex education...

Women of Influence – the game changers

To celebrate successful women we will hold a nomination each month to give you the opportunity to put forward an influential woman who inspires you the most!   It can be a woman, from the past or present, who has made an outstanding contribution to society, whether in...

International Day of the Girl Child 2014

The United Nations General Assembly adopted 11th October as the International Day of the Girl Child to recognise girl’s rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. Whilst we celebrated the most gracious and inspiring, Malala Yousafzai win the...

Forced Marriage is officially a criminal offence

From today, anyone who forces someone to marry against their will in England and Wales faces up to seven years in prison, whilst anyone found to be in breach of a forced marriage protection order (FMPO) could face up to five years. Polly Harrar, Founder of The Sharan...