Employability 2019/2020 – Birmingham
Supporting women affected by domestic abuse to enter or re enter the workplace.
New 2020 Dates TBC (September to October 2020)
Click here to download the flyer: Futures for Women.3 (coming soon)
We know the pathway towards financial independence can often be a key turning point for women who have experienced abuse. This not only provides financial security but also increases confidence, develops resilience and creates wider support networks to empower women to take control of their lives.
This free all female 4 week employability course will be open to residents in the Birmingham area who meet the criteria*, have been affected by abuse, lack work experience, are actively seeking employment, have gaps in their CV, are isolated, would like to develop their skills, qualifications and confidence, are at risk of harmful practices such as forced marriage and where the course could reduce further risk. We particularly encourage applications from BAME women, lone parents and the long term unemployed but it is open to all women who meet the criteria*.
By completing this course you will gain:
- Socially distant classroom learning
- Recognised national qualifications
- Support with childcare and travel costs (if in receipt of benefits)
- Increased confidence, skills and resilience
- Interview and career coaching
- Access to Local and national employers
- Post course support from our delivery partners
*candidates who do not meet the criteria are encouraged to contact Go Train to identify alternative courses available.
Due to Covid-19, there can be many barriers to accessing employment and this programme seeks to adopt a holistic approach by providing access to a bespoke team of experts to support with domestic abuse/non employment matters, gain employability skills and qualifications, CV writing, support with job searches, a 2 hour Smartworks session (subject to interview confirmation) with a full interview outfit to keep, 121 interview coaching sessions and access to follow up support and employers.
Travel costs for the duration of this course will be supported via the candidates job center so early registration is recommended to ensure travel vouchers are obtained in advance of the course start date. As this course takes place during school term time, we will seek to ensure adjustments are made to meet childcare needs e.g. school run/pick up.
Do you know someone who would benefit from this opportunity?
Contact us at employability@sharan.org.uk to request further details, register and/or make a referral.
*Places are limited, subject to criteria and full attendance is required. Please register your interest immediately to save disappointment
This programme is part funded by Futures for Women and West Midlands Police Crime Commissioners Victims Fund

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