The Schools Charter on Ending Harmful Practices’ seeks to encourage the delivery of high quality, safeguarding focused inputs across all Schools and Colleges.
Launched by all the partners of the London Harmful Practices Working Group.
This is to promote a preventative approach to tackling these sensitive issues and inspire collaboration between stakeholders in education, police and third sector organisations.
Engagement will be voluntary, inclusive and build on existing protocols and prior learning of the rights for children. It will further encourage adult participation especially parents, teachers, carers, communities and policy makers who have the responsibility to ensure that these rights are adhered to.
From September 2020 Relationships Education for all primary pupils, Relationships
and Sex Education (RSE) for all secondary pupils; and Health Education for all pupils will be compulsory.
HM Government has also been clear that, as part RSE for secondary pupils, schools include content on female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage.
Polly Harrar, co-chair LHPWG and Founder of the Sharan Project, says:
“Through the London Harmful Practice Working Group, we continue to ensure that a protective and preventative approach is taken and to raise awareness on these issues to end these harmful practices in the UK.”
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