Services and Resources
If you have recently left home, you may be feeling isolated, guilty, afraid and not knowing who to turn to for help. We are here to listen to and support you in any way we can.
For Clients
If you have recently left home or experienced abuse, you may be feeling isolated, guilty, afraid and unsure who to turn to for help. You Are Not Alone.
We are here to listen to and support you in any way we can.

For Professionals
As a professional, you may have questions about our work, services or program areas. Perhaps you’re in need of advice or information? Maybe we can help.
For more information please click the button below.

Useful Links
There are many reasons South Asian women leave leave home, not just Domestic Violence or Forced Marriage so here at Sharan we aim to offer extensive links to support for those who feel they do not fit into a box or label and want to actively find out more about what support and choices are available to them. Please visit our ‘Useful Links‘ page.