The ‘Friend of Sharan’ campaign works towards developing partnerships with other professionals and organisations towards creating a ‘bank’ of friend’s though mutual support.

This is done through building relationships with organisations and agencies that do similar work or adhere to the aims and objects of our work.
Engagement can be formal or informal and friendly and of mutual benefit to all parties and forms part of wider discussions about the ‘Big Society’ to encourage cross agency working.
See how you can get involved:
- Get in touch and tell us about your work, projects, training, events so we can profile this to our client base
- Become a ‘Friend of Sharan’ as an ‘Ambassador’ or ‘Supporter’
- Share good practice, case studies & experiences
- Join us to bid for funding and tenders towards supporting our client base
- Actively engage in key delivery work/projects with Sharan and in the future