Get Involved
We are a volunteer led charity and we continue to grow but we cannot do this without your help.
We believe that by giving women the confidence, support and skills to become integrated into society, this will greatly increase their chances of living successful independent lives without fear.
More importantly, they will feel they are not alone and often just need a friend who understands without judgment.
There are many ways in which you can get involved to support our work. See below to find out more.
Ambassadors play a crucial role in the development of our charity and through their engagement; they act as champions for change for our clients. Please visit our Ambassadors page for further info.
Help a Friend
Many South Asian women in need of support may not speak english or have access to the internet but a vulnerable South Asian woman is likely to know someone who can, so help share our resources page and encourage them to seek help. Visit the Help a Friend page for more info.
Every year we need to raise funds to allow us to maintain and develop our services, we would love to hear how you could assist us with our fundraising; this can be through joint bids, information on applicants for grants and activities to raise awareness and funds. Visit the Fundraising page for more info.
We do not currently receive core funding and we are financed from individual donations, small grants and in-kind volunteer support. Visit the Sponsorship page for more info.
Partnership Working
We love working with other organisations and actively encourage a cross agency approach towards joint partnerships. Visit the Partnership Working page for more info.